
Go read it yourself. I can't tell you what to take from it. Everyone's reading of homestuck is different depending on who they are and their circumstances when reading it. I remember not taking the story seriously until waaayyyy after reading when I started exploring theories about Homestuck.
Personally, I enjoyed it. It took me three months for get though 7,000 pages of text, and videos, and games. It was a lot. Some describe it as the internet's Ulysses. With a timeline so messy it looks like this! *spoiler alert*

Like - what is this timeline? A huge warning to gaze at it for a while.
Now Homestuck, I believe, is about a video game. All the failed runs of a video game. Like, what happens when you die in a video game? You restart. Over and over and over and over and over again until you win. And ultimately, you win. Homestuck give the weight of death to these deaths. A commentary on life. Quite nice I must admit. I hope that one day I can write a story this great.
On the scale...

Around there.
By the way - I'm a Sylph of Heart. What are you?